Building a Nation
Table of Contents
53. Rahab | 84. Annointing of Daid |
54. Crossing Jordan | 85. Goliath |
55. Jericho | 86. David Earns a Wife |
56. Achan | 87. Protecting David |
57. Sun Standing Still | 88. Three Arrows |
58. Joshua’s Farewell | 89. Running from Saul |
59. Job’s Three Friends | 90. Sparing Saul’s Life |
60. Othniel & Ehud | 91. Abigail |
61. Deborah & Barak | 92. Sparing God’s Anointed |
62. Gideon’s Fleece | 93. Staying by the Stuff |
63. Three Hundred Men | 94. The Witch of Endor |
64. King of Trees | 95. Death of Saul & Jonathan |
65. Jephthah’s Vow | 96. Joab & Abner |
66. The Birth of Samson | 97. David Made King |
67. Strong & Sweet | 98. David’s Mighty Men |
68. Foxes and a Jawbone | 99. Moving the Ark |
69. Samson & Delilah | 100. Building an Empire |
70. Grandson of Moses | 101. Ammonites |
71. Prelude to War | 102. Bathsheba |
72. Brides for Benjamin | 103. Nathan’s Story |
73. Naomi & Ruth | 104. Tamar |
74. Boaz & Ruth | 105. Absalom’s Return |
75. The Call of Samuel | 106. Absalom’s Revolt |
76. Ark of God Captured | 107. Absalom’s Defeat |
77. Ark of God Returned | 108. David’s Kingdom Restored |
78. Ebenezer | 109. Wise Woman of Abel |
79. Saul Made King | 110. Ethnic Cleansing |
80. Peace for an Eye | 111. Numbering of the People |
81. Failing the Test | 112. Transfer of Power |
82. Jonathan’s Victory | 113. Death of David & Joab |
83. Saul’s Disobedience | |
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