114. Wisdom of Solomon | 138. Elisha Crying |
115. Building the Temple | 139. Jehu |
116. Queen of Sheba | 140. Jezebel |
117. Kingdom Divided | 141. Athaliah |
118. Jeroboam’s Sin | 142. Joash |
119. The Old Prophet | 143. Death of Elisha |
120. Rehoboam & Jeroboam | 144. Jonah & the Fish |
121. Abijah & Asa | 145. Jonah & the Vine |
122. Elijah and the Widow | 146. Thistle & the Cedar |
123. Elijah on Mount Carmel | 147. Uzziah |
124. Elijah on Mt Horeb | 148. Ahaz |
125. The Wounded Prophet | 149. Israel in Captivity |
126. Naboth’s Vineyard | 150. Hezekiah |
127. Jehoshaphat & Ahab | 151. King of Assyria |
128. Jehoshaphat’s Victory | 152. Fifteen Years |
129. Captain of 50 | 153. Evil King Who Repented |
130. Elijah in the Whirlwind | 154. A Book is Found |
131. Ditches of Water | 155. Josiah’s Reforms |
132. Oil, Stew, Bread, and an Ax | 156. Broken Pot |
133. Shunammite Woman | 157. Burning the Book |
134. Naaman | 158. Two Baskets of Figs |
135. Gehazi | 159. Jerusalem Under Siege |
136. Blind Soldiers | 160. A Well of Mud |
137. Four Lepers | 161. Going to Egypt |