Path Down to Captivity

Table of Contents

114. Wisdom of Solomon 138. Elisha Crying
 115. Building the Temple 139. Jehu
 116. Queen of Sheba 140. Jezebel
 117. Kingdom Divided 141. Athaliah
 118. Jeroboam’s Sin 142. Joash
 119. The Old Prophet 143. Death of Elisha
 120. Rehoboam & Jeroboam 144. Jonah & the Fish
 121. Abijah & Asa 145. Jonah & the Vine
 122. Elijah and the Widow 146. Thistle & the Cedar
 123. Elijah on Mount Carmel 147. Uzziah
 124. Elijah on Mt Horeb 148. Ahaz
 125. The Wounded Prophet 149. Israel in Captivity
 126. Naboth’s Vineyard 150. Hezekiah
 127. Jehoshaphat & Ahab 151. King of Assyria
 128. Jehoshaphat’s Victory 152. Fifteen Years
 129. Captain of 50 153. Evil King Who Repented
 130. Elijah in the Whirlwind 154. A Book is Found
 131. Ditches of Water 155. Josiah’s Reforms
 132. Oil, Stew, Bread, and an Ax 156. Broken Pot
 133. Shunammite Woman 157. Burning the Book
 134. Naaman 158. Two Baskets of Figs
 135. Gehazi 159. Jerusalem Under Siege
 136. Blind Soldiers 160.  A Well of Mud
 137. Four Lepers 161. Going to Egypt